
Thanks for visiting my blog! If you're a client looking for your sneak peeks, note that I normally have them up within a few days of the session, but at times it may take me up to a week. Remember to click on the picture to see it bigger, and feel free to nab these for use on Myspace, Facebook, or emailing to friends and family (but note- these are web-sized images, and not suitable for printing. Also, please do not remove my watermark. I'm proud of these images and want everyone to know I took them :) I make it small and discreet- and I'd rather not have to put a big, obnoxious watermark across them instead... So please help a girl (& the rest if my clients) out and respect my copyright! Thanks).
If you're a prospective client, make certain to visit my website for more images and info. There's a link in the sidebar. Please contact me with any questions or to schedule a session: gypsyisledesigns@yahoo.com. Thanks again for visiting and enjoy your stay!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Enjoying my vacation...

and spending time with the kids. Yesterday Josh and I decided to take the kids to the park. While there we went on a nature walk and discovered a little pond. The kids had a blast and it was sooo fun and relaxing just shooting for my own enjoyment. Definitely something we all need to do more often! I'm working on some new "looks" for my clients... this is just one of them. I hope you enjoy these pics of Dele done in "vintage raspberry"!

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