
Thanks for visiting my blog! If you're a client looking for your sneak peeks, note that I normally have them up within a few days of the session, but at times it may take me up to a week. Remember to click on the picture to see it bigger, and feel free to nab these for use on Myspace, Facebook, or emailing to friends and family (but note- these are web-sized images, and not suitable for printing. Also, please do not remove my watermark. I'm proud of these images and want everyone to know I took them :) I make it small and discreet- and I'd rather not have to put a big, obnoxious watermark across them instead... So please help a girl (& the rest if my clients) out and respect my copyright! Thanks).
If you're a prospective client, make certain to visit my website for more images and info. There's a link in the sidebar. Please contact me with any questions or to schedule a session: gypsyisledesigns@yahoo.com. Thanks again for visiting and enjoy your stay!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Samya's Arrival at the Church...

I meant to make an entry yesterday but was on a roll with proofing and didn't want to interrupt myself and lose my mojo while it was still strong ;) So I apologize for not getting more sneak peeks up sooner! I would also like to take this moment to link to Chyrel's blog as she has added a few sneak peeks of her own: Chyrel of Island Time Studio's Blog. Definitely take a minute to check them out! She also plans on updating and adding a few more pics every other day or so, so make certain to check back often!

And on to my pics of the day... As opposed to last time, some of these *are* my faves from her arrival at the church... I just couldn't constrain myself any longer :)

Here is the lovely Samya arriving at the church; check out that gorgeous smile! Definitely the epitome of a radiant bride!

This is the Bride's younger sister, also just-arrived, and also looking radiant and fresh... based on the huge smiles everyone had when they stepped out of the van, that must have been a fun car ride over!

Their lovely mother in her beautiful dress; you can definitely see where her girls got their beautiful smiles from!

Bridezilla or helpful friend?? You decide! (actually, I have enough pictures of Samya seemingly slapping people to make an entire blog entry about just that! They are quite funny to see :) I may just do an entire "bridezilla" type posting if I ever find the time... and assuming Samya wouldn't kill me ;)). This is one of her bridesmaids, Anya. I think Samya was cleaning off a kiss, thought the jury is still out... It sure does look suspiciously like a slap!

This is the Bride's baby brother and his lovely girlfriend (who also sang beautifully during the service). You can definitely see that good looks aren't just confined to the ladies in the family!

Samya's 3rd lovely bridesmaid. She is watching as Samya is getting finished with dressing.

And the final picture of the day is of the dress... one of the most important details of the wedding day and a definite star in its own right! Samya's was absolutely gorgeous; and it looked even prettier on her!

I hope you enjoyed these! I will add more tomorrow (I promise I actually will this time!)

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